zondag 25 september 2011


In week 42 (Monday 17th till Fryday 21th of october I will travel with my youngest sun (he is 31) to Vilnius (Litouwen). I am invited by a Dutchman, who is living there. He knows a lot about Napoleon in Vilnius. He has like me made a trip to the Beresina and Borodino. I give him some advices.
In Vilnius you can see a lot of 'objects' about Napoleon. He was there during the start of the Campaingn of Russia in 1812. So I hope to see and to be for a while on the top of the hill besouth of Kaunas where our great man crossed the river Njemen. Along my guide it must still be there!
The first 'object' is the hotel in Vilnius where we stay. It is a cloister, where wounded were traeted.
We hope to see this all!

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