donderdag 19 december 2013

Napoleon in Spain

Lately I was two times (Oct. and Nov. 2013) in Spain.
The first time to follow as much as possible all the cities that Napoleon came through during his Campain of Spain in 30th Oct. 1808 - 23th Jan. 1809.
It was a long trip, more then 3000 km in 8 days.

Then I went with my wife to Madrid to complete it all during 4 days.
Now I have a good impression of the activities of Napoleon himself during that days.

You can all see and follow it on

The chapel on the pass of Somosierra before Madrid

Here I am standing in Madrid before the statue off Daoïz ans Velarde, Spanish heroes.

donderdag 3 oktober 2013

Jena and Austerstedt 1806

In August 2013 my camper, my husband and myself were in Germany.
Our goal was to visit the battlegrounds of Jena and Auerstedt.
On our way there we looked also in Erfurt and Weimar.
Very interesting with a lot of 'Napoleontic objects'.
On my latest website you can follow it all!


maandag 23 september 2013

Bas-Rhin is now finished!

During a year and a half I visited four times the Bas-Rhin in France to search for all the Napoleontic-object, mentioned in Le Guide Napoléon.
It took a lot of time, the weather was not always beautifull!
But now you can see the results on

Very typical (only in the Elzas I believe) are the 'bancs-reposoir du roi de Rome". They are a memory to the son of Napolen. See picture below.
I think, there must be more then 100 banc. They all are dated 1811.
Don't mix them with the bancs of 1864 tributed to Napoleon III and his wife, in the Bas-Rhin.

                                                                  Banc in Lembach

dinsdag 11 juni 2013

In May 2013 I nearly finished Le Guide Napoléon concerning Le Bas Rhin (67), called The Elzas. We have had a lot of rain and some objects were very hard to find! E.g.: can you imagine that in an underground carparking I found a plaqette about General Kléber? It was in Strasbourg. In the middle of this parking centre stands a statue of Kléber. Beneath is the carparking. Kléber himself is burried in the foot of the statue, but that is of course underground. It was very interesting to find a PC on such a pecular spot! No wind, no rain eso. can ever damage this PC!
Look at my latest website:
and you can see by Starbourg, Standbeelden more pictures of this special item!

zondag 5 mei 2013

On the road again!

Some days ago's I visited during a week the south of Italy inclusive Rome and Napels.
It was a wonderfull trip.
Look on for the report of this journey!

In Napels

woensdag 1 mei 2013


From 22 untill 29 of March I was on Malta.
It was a Napoleon-trip.
With the help of Le Guide Napoléon I searched and found almost all the places mentioned in this book.
Becoming curious?

Look at
You see the pictures, the (French) tekst and the coördinates.
So you can go yourself with this help!
On the background: Saint Paul Island's.

For me: it was a very nice trip!