This week I bought six old Bulletins of Laws from 1812.
I made some pictures of it.
They are numbered 442, 443, 447, 448, 449, 450.
They all are ordered in Russia, some in Wilna, some in Smolensk.
Typical is that they are bilingual, French and Dutch.
About nr. 442 I will explain some more of the content.
The text is in Dutch, I have given a summary below.
You can see how much work Napoleon did when he was 'in the field' (in this case: on his way to Moscou).
No 442
Au quartier-général impérial de Wilna. Le 2 Juillet 1812
Titel 1: Wegenverbetering in: (francs)
Département de la Charente-Inférieure: 193,451
Département des Côtes-du-Nord: 31,930
Département de la Marne: 89,473
Département de la Haute-Marne: 47,320
Département de la Nièvre: 35,900
Département de l’Oise: 39,100
Département de Tarn-en-Garonne: 19,200
Département de la Haute-Vienne: 20,000
Département des Vosges: 38,785.48
Titel II:
Belasting op verponding, het personeel en het mobilair.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8147) Wilna, 2 juli 1812:
de gemeente van Garbagna, departement van Genua, wordt gevoegd bij het arrondissement van Tortone.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8148) Wilna, 11 juli 1812:
een per boekhandelaar in te vullen model brevet) mbt. het drukken en de verkoop van boeken (een soort censuur).
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8149) Wilna, 11 juli 1812:
de oprichting van Rechtbanken van Koophandel in de steden Rome, Civita-Vecchia en Foligno.
Brieven van instelling der Bewaarplaats van bedelaars (250 van beide kunne) van het Departement der Dordogne. Totaal bedrag: 181,000 francs. Plus 50,000 voor onderhoud.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8151). Een Extract uit:
Opene-Brieven houdende authorisatie op eenen Franschman om in dienst eener vreemde Mogenheid te blijven.Het gaat hier om: dhr. Francois Charles Zorn de Bulach, oud 28 jaar. Eertse luitenant bij het 5e Regiment lichte paarden van het koninkrijk Beieren om in dienst van zijne Majesteit de Koning van Beieren te blijven.
Napoleon staat dit toe.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8152) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: een geldacte
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8153) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
a. twee eeuwigdurende rentes van ieder 100 francs voor de gebrekkige armen en voor het onderwijs van de arme kinderen der parochie Espinasse, departement van de Cantal, door dhr. Blancefort
b. door dezelfde heer een rente van 10 francs aan de administratie van die parochie.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8154) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
het aannemen van onderscheidene goederen, meubels en effecten (1587 francs en 64 centimes gewaardeerd) door mej. Ferrand gelegateerd aan de armen te Quettehou, departement der Manche.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8155) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
Het legaat van dhr. Leroy 10,000 francs en 14 centimes gewaardeerd. Daarvan tweederde naar de armen van Saint-Lubin-des-Joncherets (Eure et Loire), eenderde deel naar de armen van Nonancourt (Eure). Zijn neef moet echter eerst 6000 francs krijgen.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8156) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
Het legaat van weduwe De Viel-Chateau de Vaillé aan de armen te Senan en te Volgré (Yonne): 13,800 francs.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8157) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
Het legaat van mej. Van-Acker aan de armen van Seven-Ecke (Schelde): 544 francs en 21 centimes.
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8158) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
Het aannemen van een jaarlijkse cyns of rente van 83 liters wijn.
Het aannemen van 8 acres 80 centinares wijngaard door weduwe Levesque aangeboden als gift aan het gasthuis te Montreuil-Bellay, (Maine-en-Loire).
Keizerlijk Decreet (no 8160) Gumbinen, 20 juni 1812: authorisatie van:
Een legaat van 500 francs door dhr. Chaudion-du-Parc aan de armen der parochie Saint-Thomas d’Aquin te Parijs (departement der Seine)
In English:
Title 1: Costs of improving roads.
Title II: tax on money, personal and furniture.
Imperial Decrets:
no. 8147: The community of Garbana will be joint together with the Arrondissement ofTortone
no. 8148: a model for printing books (a kind of censorship) (The model is in this Lawbooklet)
no. 8149: funding of Court Laws.
A letter voor funding a home for Beggars.
no. 8151: Authorisation of the permission for Francois Zorn de Bukach, age 28, first luitenant, to stay in service by the King of Bavaria.
no. 8152: about a money transaction.
no. 8153: Authorisation about a heritage from mr. Blancefort, two time eternal rentals of each 100 francs for the poor
no. 8154: Authorisation about a heritage from ms. Ferrand, (1587 francs for the poor)
no. 8155: Authorisation about a legacy from mr. Leroy (10.000 francs for the poor)
no. 8156: Authorisation about a legacy from ms. De Viel-Chateau (13.800 francs for the poor)
no. 8157: Authorisation about a legacy from ms. Van-Acker (544 francs for the poor)
no. 8158: Accepting of a winetax and a some pieces of grounds for the hospital of Montreuil-Bellay
no. 8160: Authorisation about a legacy from mr. Chaudion-du-Parc (500 francs for the poor)
dinsdag 26 januari 2010
zondag 17 januari 2010
Books about 1812
zaterdag 16 januari 2010
I would like to make the Expedition to Russia myself in spring of the year 2012.
Of course such a voyage is nicer to make with persons who like the same episode of history as I do.
That is why I put this here on this Blog.
Maybe there are others who also like to go as a company together.
Give your reaction please.
All proposals are welcome!
Of course such a voyage is nicer to make with persons who like the same episode of history as I do.
That is why I put this here on this Blog.
Maybe there are others who also like to go as a company together.
Give your reaction please.
All proposals are welcome!
maandag 11 januari 2010
Exact time of death of Napoleon
On our sundaymorning breakfast raise last week (10 jan. 2010) a question:
At what time exactly did Napoleon die on the 5th of may 1821?
Everybody looked at me: Roel, the expert, should know the answer!
The best way to investigate such a problem is to search for people who were present at the moment of the death of Napoleon. There were many, but some were more important than others.
Because I was not complete sure, I looked that morning in my library and found different answers.
In my books I found following:
Marchand writes: 'À 5 h 50 du soir, le canon de retraite se fait entendre, le soleil disparaît dans des flots de lumière. C'est aussi le moment où le grand homme qui domina le monde de son génie va s' envelopper dans sa gloire immortelle.'
(Mémoires de Marchand, Tome II Sainte-Hélène, Paris 1985, pag. 327)
Bertrand writes: 'À cinq heures quarante-neuf minutes, l'Empereur a rendu son dernier soupir. Les trois dernières minutes, il a rendu trois soupirs....'
(Cahiers de Sainte-Hélène, Janvier 1821 - Mai 1821, Bertrand, Paris 1949, pag. 195)
Montholon a dit: 'L'empereur a rendu le dernier soupir hier à six heures moins dix minites.....'
(Lettter to his wife, dated at Longwood 6th may 1821)
Then there is Antommarchi, who wrote: 'Il est six heures moins onze minutes, Napoléon touche à sa fin; ses lèvres se couvrent d'une légère écume; il n'est plus: ainsi passa la gloire.'
(Derniers moments de Napoléon, Tome second, Antommarchi, Bruxelles 1825, pag. 153)
Ali says: 'Enfin, à six heures et dix minutes du soir, le 5 mai, une minute et demie après le coup de canon de retraite, 'l Empereur expira.'
(Souvenirs sur L'Empereur Napoléon, Mameluck Ali, pag. 268., Présentés et annotés par Chr.Bourachot, Paris, 2000)
Ali's notation seems to be wrong, did he write 'et' in stead of 'moins'?
So the good answer must be: Between ten and nine mintes before six o'clock in the evening!'
At what time exactly did Napoleon die on the 5th of may 1821?
Everybody looked at me: Roel, the expert, should know the answer!
The best way to investigate such a problem is to search for people who were present at the moment of the death of Napoleon. There were many, but some were more important than others.
Because I was not complete sure, I looked that morning in my library and found different answers.
In my books I found following:
Marchand writes: 'À 5 h 50 du soir, le canon de retraite se fait entendre, le soleil disparaît dans des flots de lumière. C'est aussi le moment où le grand homme qui domina le monde de son génie va s' envelopper dans sa gloire immortelle.'
(Mémoires de Marchand, Tome II Sainte-Hélène, Paris 1985, pag. 327)
Bertrand writes: 'À cinq heures quarante-neuf minutes, l'Empereur a rendu son dernier soupir. Les trois dernières minutes, il a rendu trois soupirs....'
(Cahiers de Sainte-Hélène, Janvier 1821 - Mai 1821, Bertrand, Paris 1949, pag. 195)
Montholon a dit: 'L'empereur a rendu le dernier soupir hier à six heures moins dix minites.....'
(Lettter to his wife, dated at Longwood 6th may 1821)
Then there is Antommarchi, who wrote: 'Il est six heures moins onze minutes, Napoléon touche à sa fin; ses lèvres se couvrent d'une légère écume; il n'est plus: ainsi passa la gloire.'
(Derniers moments de Napoléon, Tome second, Antommarchi, Bruxelles 1825, pag. 153)
Ali says: 'Enfin, à six heures et dix minutes du soir, le 5 mai, une minute et demie après le coup de canon de retraite, 'l Empereur expira.'
(Souvenirs sur L'Empereur Napoléon, Mameluck Ali, pag. 268., Présentés et annotés par Chr.Bourachot, Paris, 2000)
Ali's notation seems to be wrong, did he write 'et' in stead of 'moins'?
So the good answer must be: Between ten and nine mintes before six o'clock in the evening!'
zaterdag 9 januari 2010
In 2001 I visited Elba on my motorbike.
It was a nice trip and I stayed three days on this island.
Of course I looked after all the traces Napoleon left there.
Elba has a beautiful museum, that has some interesting things about him.
So I saw, under a glass cover, the book of Antommarchi.
He was the last physician, that treated Napoleon, he was there when our great man died.
There are stories about Antommarchi, that sound not so very well.
By exemple: he was often not available when he was needed. He was in Jamsetown then with his (female) friends.He wrote his book in two volumes. The Elba copy was in Italian from 1827, later in France I bought a copy myself in French from 1825. I am a little proud of this item. I took some photo's of it.
Below you also see my rare Dutch copy from about 1925. I like that one too!
vrijdag 8 januari 2010
Reasons to go to St.Helena
In february 2009 I was on my way to St.Helena.
There were about 100 passengers on the boat.
I ask some of them why they were going to St.Helena.
I have noted down following reasons, some were surprising!
1. I have been away and now returning, because I live there.
2. My ancestors have been born there and I want for the first time to see it.
3. Because of the typical birds and flowers.
4. It is a special destination.
5. Being away for some time from family and friends.
There were about 100 passengers on the boat.
I ask some of them why they were going to St.Helena.
I have noted down following reasons, some were surprising!
1. I have been away and now returning, because I live there.
2. My ancestors have been born there and I want for the first time to see it.
3. Because of the typical birds and flowers.
4. It is a special destination.
5. Being away for some time from family and friends.
6. I have to controll the financial situation on St.Helena (a controller of the London Gouvernement).
7. We are going on holidays!
8. To help with health care on the island.
9. A stamp collector: I want to see with my own eyes the real pictures on the island
10. I am a traveller all over the world, I am a collector of countries.
11. Roel Vos himself says: I go (of course) for Napoleon Bonaparte!
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